cha ching
JoinedPosts by cha ching
Everyone in a Cult, Doesn't Know They Are in a Cult
by The Bethelite inthat's the one thing they all have in common.
because as soon as you are aware that you are in one, you would of course leave it,.
so millions of people all over the world are in them and but of course are ignorant of this fact.. i was asked many times over the years in field service, the question.
cha ching
I think that sometimes people are unaware of what cult" means. I certainly didn't. I always pictured a small few, one or 200 people, if that. Not 8 million people! However, because of exposure (books written by all kinds of ex-cult members from many religions, institutions. TV shows, news media) and awareness, the term cult has "opened up" and people are better able to understand what it means... *controlled "beyond" *made to feel guilty. *devotion to leaders *Busy work. *repeat brainwashing .... all that... -
cha ching
Woe! KInda sums it up in 2 minutes 3 seconds! Miighty plain and simple. Love it. Wouldn't you just love to be able to say this in court?
(Movie: "Three Billboards Outside Missouri")
The new Caleb and Sophia Video is a shameless plug for money
by HiddenPimo infor helping with relief work.
maybe am the iii was sending the scotch to hurricane ravaged lands to help comfort them?.
cha ching
The WT must realize how many people are leaving, and that they must brainwash these kids to "feel good" "doing something for Jehovah" before they get too old. Reminds me of what Hitler did to the kids in his country.
The "Food Truck" analogy
by stuckinarut2 ini was pondering the way the society condemns anyone who looks for "spiritual food" outside of their approved channel.
as we know, jws are only to go to the approved website, and research material.. this illustration came to mind.. lets say we have a 5star fancy restaurant, and a new clean food truck.
both kitchens prepare a meal.. if the food is simply assessed on its own merit, and the source of its production is ignored, it can be deemed as healthy, safe, nutritious and tasty.
cha ching
Blondie - this article is such a good example of the best of the best BS that WT continually publishes. A true brain-bender.
"The Boreans were "wanting to have this “good news” proved true
for a person to acquire faith he must have “the will to believe.”
If he is determined not to believe, then no amount of evidence will convince him;If a person is truly searching, then reality is reality, fact is fact.
Acts 17"11 carefully examining the Scriptures daily to see whether these things were so.
Why would they need to examine things daily if they already believed?
The WT uses a whole paragraph to bend your brain.
Sacramento Senate Bill & Town Hall Meeting with EX-JW Child Abuse Survivors- March 8th , 2019
by flipper in
cha ching
Thank you so much Flipper, that was a very worth while day. So rewarding. Our website includes hours of research to help understand the cultural changes we need. Https://
Giving fake address to elder
by Addison0998 inso i got married a few weeks ago, living a great life now with my husband, he was definitely the perfect guy for me :) but anyways, we are going to work on slowly fading, going to meetings once a week or every two weeks, and then in a few months move to a hall where nobody knows our families and the elders hardly know each other, and fade out a lot more.
but an elder asked for our address, which we didn’t feel comfortable giving him, because we don’t want any unexpected visits to “shepard” us, when we miss a few meetings, because they already text us when we miss 2 meetings in a row, which we had just gotten back from our honeymoon 🙄 so we “accidentally” gave him the wrong apartment number.
so if they ever come pokin around they will be lost, and if they call or text us we will just have an excuse for not replying.
cha ching
Theocratic warfare... ;-) Keep talking about how much money you need? Haha... Most witnesses run ;-)
Watchtower Study Edition - April 2019....Thank you for not doing enough in the field ministry
by RULES & REGULATIONS inwatchtower study edition- april 2019. are you fully accomplishing your ministry?.
the study article starts off with praise and admiration for members who are out in the field ministry.
the wtbts understand that you have family responsibilities, work, get sick, and have pains due to aging.
cha ching
Soooooo glad I am OUT!!
Our Own Unstuck (stuckinarut2's wife) On The Shunned Podcast
by dubstepped in--------new episode---------.
episode twenty three - sherrie is shunned by jehovah's witnesses.
today we have a really cool live recording from my living room.
cha ching
I am jealous.... In the U.S.? I wish I could have met you S1 & S2 ;-) Perhaps some day we shall even meet up with dubstepped & wife?
looking forward to the adventure!
cha ching
Are you a Child Abuse Survivor willing to help “Change Laws and Change Lives”? Read on...
by AndersonsInfo inare you a child abuse survivor willing to help “change laws and change lives”?.
do you agree that “reporting abuse is the key to prevention and the start of”?.
as president of scaars, (stop child abuse – advocates for reform and safety), a non-profit lobbying corporation, i’m writing to inform you that arrangements have been made where abuse survivors can speak with policymakers at the california capitol in sacramento, specifically on january 15th and 16th.
cha ching
Jwundubbed - If you mean, that people like the JWs should be required by law to take reports of sexual abuse to governmental authorities, well that would be a step in the right direction and it will help prevent FURTHER abuse... but it won't prevent the abuse that already happened.
So true. The WT commonly tries to "get out of their responsibilities" to report by claiming that they have "clergy penitent privilege"... in a special way.
If WT and the elders HAD reported ANY molestations, these molesters would get on a list with police, and if people would not get DF'd for 'talking about it', then families could be warned, and molesters themselves would have a harder time tricking people.
It's not that the victim's are being held responsible to report the crime, it's that the people who are already SUPPOSE to report are not reporting. They are making the problem worse.
Laws have to start somewhere, and making sure that institutions report is just ONE of the laws that need refining and enforcing.
I myself have friends who have been abused, and have been in congregations where this has happened. So many people say, "If only they had warned us, if only we could have said something, others would not have had to suffer" It's not that the victims want ANY one to suffer, but there is always a first.
Making it safe for kids to report is another goal. No fear of retaliation or punishment. Step by step we must try to make things better for our 'next generation,' and help change the culture that we live in.
Want to read the Montana Nunez v. Watchtower Trial Transcript? It's now available to read
by AndersonsInfo inthe trial transcript of nunez v. watchtower (426 pages) has been made available from scaars which is the acronym for a new a 501(c)(4) lobbying corporation, sexual child abuse - advocates for reform and safety (scaars).. .
the scaars corporation was formed october 3, 2018 by barbara anderson and former elder, roger bentley and his wife, karin.
on the home page of the scaars website,, you will find information that explains the goal of the movement - scaars: "changing laws - changing lives.".
cha ching
Now let's talk in "ice cream money"... Remember that video JWville put out? Giving praise to the little girl putting her ice cream money in the contribution box?
Let's just assume that an ice cream bar is $1, and there are 8 million JWs.. but they have children. Say two children (some have 4 or 6 some have none) each for the 8 million. They are not baptized, but they are a 'mighty money crowd.' How so? 8 million x 2 = 16 million. One ice cream bar contribution a month = $16 million dollars. Two months and you've got $32 million dollars. Three months and you've got $48 million dollars.
Think about how long each of these trials last. There are appeals, stallings, wait times. The WT can raise this "we'll teach you" money long before the trial even ends, all with a little "ice cream money." Pretty clever, eh?